Le plus ancien tablao du monde dans un bâtiment classé au patrimoine de Madrid | Daily Flamenco Shows
Du 12 au 18 février

Nazaret Reyes Spécial Tablao Flamenco 1911

Nazaret, danseuse de flamenco de la tête aux pieds, un spectacle vivant pas comme les autres.

Nazaret was born in Seville, in the bosom of a flamenco family. Her parents are the great artists: Cristobal Reyes and Juana Amaya. When she was only 5 years old, she started dancing under the direction of her mother. When she was only 11 years old, she made her professional debut at the Bienal de Flamenco de Sevilla, playing the role of « Carmen » with her mother, Juana Amaya, and other great artists.

In Spain she has performed at the Festival de Jerez, Festival Carmen Amaya and at the Teatro Coliseum in Barcelona, among others. While in the rest of the world she has performed in important festivals such as the Flamenco Festival in New Mexico (Alburquerque), Santa Fe, and the Festival de Mont de Marsan (France).

Nazaret is considered a revelation in the flamenco dance that imposes an explosive and sensitive personality on stage.

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Spectacles de flamenco

Du 2 au 8 septembre

Spectacle quotidien de Flamenco Madrid

Il est possible d’acheter des billets futurs même si le programme artistique de certains mois n’a pas encore été publié.

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Du 2 au 8 septembre

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Cynthia Canorevient pour transmettre son élégance au 1911.

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